are a group of organic compounds that are highly needed by the body and
have an important role in regulating the body's metabolic processes. Vitamins can not be produced by the body. Each vitamin has a function and specific tasks including the growth regulators and health care.
1. Vitamin A (Retinol)
Functions Vitamin A: Acting in Sight, and is a constituent of eye pigment. besides the function of vitamin A also plays an important role
maintaining health, immunity, growth and development and very good for
maintaining healthy skin.
Vitamin A deficiency can lead to impaired vision, night blindness, cataracts and decreased endurance.
2. Vitamin B
general, the benefits of vitamin B plays an important role in the
metabolism of the body, especially in terms of energy release when we do
activities. the
role of B vitamins in the body as a coenzyme compounds that can
increase the rate of metabolism of the body's reaction to the various
types of energy sources. In addition, some types of B vitamins also play a role in the formation of red blood cells.
A. Vitamin B1 (Hydrochloride)
Vitamins play an important role in maintaining healthy skin and helps
in the burning of carbohydrates into energy, helps metabolize protein
and fat and many more other functions of vitamin B1.
Due to lack of vitam
Various skin disorders, such as dry, scaly skin.
The body also may have the disease beriberi
Impaired function of the digestive tract, heart, and nervous system.
B. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
The function of vitamin B2 in the body plays an important role in metabolism. Vitamin B2 acts as a coenzyme component Flavin mononucleotide and Flavin Adenine dinucleotide. Both of these enzymes play an important role in the regeneration of
energy for the body, and oxsidasi fatty acids and also play a role in
the formation of red blood cells as well as supporting the growth of
various organs, such as skin, hair, and nails.
vitamin B2 deficiency can cause decreased endurance, dry and scaly skin, dry mouth, cracked lips.
C. Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Vitamin B3 function and play an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins for energy. Vitamin B3 plays a major role in maintaining blood sugar levels, high blood pressure and migraine cure. in addition to the type of vitamin is also involved in a neutralize poison / toxicity of the body.
Lack of vitamin B3 can cause spasms, muscle cramps, digestive system disorders, vomiting, and nausea.
D. Vitamin B5 (pantothenic)
Other names Vitamin B5 is pantothenic acid. The
function of vitamin B5, among others, play a role in enzyme reactions
in the body and reactions nutritional breakdown of the food. besides other functions of this vitamin is as a neurotransmitter in
the central nervous system and the brain and helps produce compounds of
fatty acids and hormones of the body.
E. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Is a vitamin that is essential for the growth of the body, besides
other functions of vitamin B6 that is the synthesis of energy and also
plays a role in the metabolism of nutrients and produce antibodies in
the immune system (immune).
Lack of vitamin B6 in large quantities can cause chapped skin, insomnia, and muscle cramps.
F. Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)
Special vitamin types is produced only by animals and is not found in plants or herbs.
Functions Vitamin B12Played a role in the body's energy metabolism, care for and maintain
the health of nerve cells, as well as contribute to the formation of DNA
and RNA molecules.
Vitamin B12 deficiency causes anemia disease or lack of blood, skin irritation and fatigue.
3. Vitamin C (ascorbate)
many benefits of vitamin C for the health of our bodies. Among
the compounds which act as forming collagen which is an important
protein constituent of skin tissue, joints, bones, and other organs
advocate network. Besides Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that can counteract free
radicals that enter into our bodies so as to minimize the risk of
various degenerative diseases, such as cervix cancer, breast cancer and
other degenerative diseases of various kinds.Additionally, vitamin C also plays a role in maintaining physical
fitness and prevent aging self, very good and air benefits of vitamin C
for skin care can prevent prevent various types of diseases and
Lack of vitamin C can cause bleeding gums and pain in the joints, lack of immunity. but excess consumption of vitamin C adversely affect the kidneys and digestive tract disorders.
4. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a vitamin that most influence the type of bone parts.
The benefits and functions of Vitamin D is affecting bone growth,
helps the metabolism of calcium and is important for bone mineral.
D deficiency can cause growth of body and foot abnormalities, such as
calf will form the letter O and X. besides a lack of vitamin D causes
the teeth susceptible to damage, and loss of calcium and phosphorus in
excess in bone fragility resulting in bone strength ,
5. Vitamin E
Vitamin E acts as a natural anti-oxidant and to maintain the health of
various tissues in the body, from the eyes, red blood cells, liver and
skin tissue ,. Therefore Vitamin E can inhibit and prevent premature aging.
vitamin E deficiency causes fatal health problems for the body such as
infertility and miscarriage, consumption of vitamin E is essential for
the body for both men and women and these vitamins affect pregnancy
6. Vitamin K
Vitamin K functions that play a role in blood clotting and affect the wound closure.
Vitamin K deficiency would result in difficulties when there is blood clotting or bleeding wound.
Examples of types of vitamin-rich foods
<Water-soluble Vitamins>
Vitamin B 1 Meat, beans, brown rice, cheese, milk, green vegetables and yellow
Vitamin B 2 Meat, egg yolk, green and yellow vegetables
Vitamin B 6 Lever, meat, eggs, milk, fish, legumes
Vitamin B 12 Lever, meat, fish, cheese, eggs
Vitamin C Green and yellow vegetables, fruits
Niacin seafood, meat, seaweed, nuts and seeds
Lever pantothenic acid, egg yolks, nuts
Folic acid Lever, nuts, leafy vegetables, fruits
Biotin Lever, yolk
<Fat-soluble vitamins>
Vitamin A Lever, eggs, green and yellow vegetables
Vitamin D liver oil, fish, cloud ear, shiitake mushrooms
Vitamin E Oil germ, soybeans, cereals, green vegetables and yellow
Vitamin K Natto, green and yellow vegetables
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